ICC Awards Night 2024

1 minute read

On April 27, 2024, the International Construction Consortium (Pvt) Ltd (ICC) hosted its illustrious Awards Night at the iconic Lotus Tower in Colombo. The event was a grand celebration of the company’s achievements over the past year and a testament to its commitment to excellence in the construction industry.

The evening began with a formal awards ceremony, recognizing outstanding contributions and performances for the year 2023/2024. The first couple of hours were dedicated to presenting a variety of awards to ICC’s dedicated employees and partners. These awards highlighted significant achievements, exceptional project completions, and the unwavering dedication of individuals who have contributed to ICC’s success.

Following the awards presentation, attendees were invited to a sophisticated cocktail party. The elegant atmosphere provided a perfect setting for networking, where colleagues, industry leaders, and guests could mingle and share their experiences. The cocktail party was filled with a sense of camaraderie and celebration, as attendees reflected on the successes of the past year and discussed future endeavors.

The ICC Awards Night 2024 was a memorable event, setting a high standard for future celebrations. It marked the beginning of another promising year for ICC, a company that continues to lead and innovate in the construction industry.

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